A86: Re: Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 15:27:48 -0400


A86: Re: Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 15:27:48 -0400

This one prints both :)  If you will only be needing to use one or the
other, you can optimize it a few bytes.  To use for small font, change the
_puts at the bottom to _vputs.  And if you need to keep the value in OP1,
change _OP1 to some other address, like $800b or something.

; in: a or hl = number to print at current cursor position
; out: value of A or HL printed in large font
; destroyed: AF, DE, HL, OP1  (23 bytes total)
 ld l,a
 ld h,0
 ld de,_OP1+5
 sub a
 ld (de),a
 call _divHLby10
 add a,'0'
 dec de
 ld (de),a
 ld a,h
 or l
 jr nz,DispLoop
 ex de,hl
 jp _puts

> could someone copy and paste a routine to display a number in like a or hl
> or some register in menu style text at the text cursors?  i have seen
> mardell's used in usgard but i know there has to be a better one.
> jimi
