A86: Re: An Idea for the Unfinished C&C
A86: Re: An Idea for the Unfinished C&C
I wouldn't really call it done, but it shows that the 86 is more than fast
enough to handle it. I know it scrolls too fast, but that just shows off
the speed. You could rewrite it for grayscale and it'd still be fast. I
don't intend to ever touch it again, but you might find some tips and tricks
in the source.
> I'm not a good enough programmer (still debugging Hello World) to do
> this myself, but it seems as though the grafics core of C&C 86 is
> written, but the task of making an RTS is daunting. So, for anyone out
> there looing for a do-able project, why not change the idea from C&C to
> Heroes of Might and magic (a turn based strategy game by New World
> Computing, demo available at http://www.demoland.com/pages/df_cbx.htm ?
> I think that it would be a great strategy game, and, though it might
> need to be simplified/modified, Heroes of Might and Magic (I,II, or III)
> would be asimple thing to do (relative to C&C).