A86: Re: What are "Willy Do Be Do Be Do" and "[sqrt]STUFF"?
A86: Re: What are "Willy Do Be Do Be Do" and "[sqrt]STUFF"?
> I've seen "Willy Do Be Do Be Do" in a couple of places, but the only one
> I remember specifically is a list of ROM calls I downloaded from
> somewhere (I forgot the URL, but can get it if necessary). It's call is
> $1AC1, and it doesn't do anything readily apparent to me. (at least on
> ROM v1.3)
It's a ROM call that Dan Eble found a long time ago. You're right, $1ac1
doesn't work on ROM 1.3 (what my calc has). I loaded 1.3 into my emu, and
after about 30 secs of searching/dissassembling, found that it's at $1acf in
1.3. Use this for 1.3 to test on the calc:
> I've seen numerous references to [sqrt]PARSE, [sqrt]KEY, &c., but nothing
> which actually explains what they are or what they do. There are
> apparently ROM calls to them, so I assume they are a built-in
> functionality of the calculator, like the user interrupts or user fonts.
> Beyond that, I haven't been able to figure out much. For the Do Be Do
> thing, a quick explanation is all I'm looking for, but I'd really like
> something more lengthy (or a URL to somewhere which explains it well) for
> the [sqrt]STUFF.
Check out Dux Gregis' tutorials, linked to at the ACZ site. His website has
templates and info for them, along with the ASAP tokens. Also on the ACZ
website is Clem's examples of [sqrt]PARSE and [sqrt]FORM.
David Phillips <david@acz.org>