A86: Bug in ROM 1.3?


A86: Bug in ROM 1.3?

Has anyone else had problems with silent linking with ROM version 1.3?
Several times, my calc has locked up at the homescreen while sending
variables to it using CalcExplorer 86.  When it locks up, the cursor simply
stays on instead of flashing and no keys will restore it.  A simple pull of
a AAA restores it, but it gets annoying, being in the ROM and all.

Any ideas?  Most of the times this has occured (I know for certain about the
last time), my game is the only thing that has run since the calc was reset.
I'm wondering if I'm somehow corrupting something to make it lock up during
a variable transfer.  The only memory I'm modifying is $8000+11 to $c000-22,
$c9fa to $c9fa+1023 and $d748 to $ffff, so I know I'm not trashing any of
the system vars.  I'm not doing any writing to any other ram pages, so it's
not trashing the VAT.  Could this be a legitimate ROM bug???

David Phillips <david@acz.org>
