Re: A86: Re: Big trouble --- need serious help


Re: A86: Re: Big trouble --- need serious help

On Sat, 10 Apr 1999 21:26:03 CDT "Barcode [Omega00]"
<> writes:
>spared the memory. If that didn't work, remove all the AA batteries, 
>hold [ON] for about 10 seconds, and put the batteries back in. If 

don't bother removing all of the aaa's, removing one is sufficient as
there are only two connections on the main board for power.  (aside from
the lithium)

>fun part: let it sit for about 1 hour. Now, replace all batteries and 

try just holding [on] down again for a minute or so.  this will drain all
(hopefully) power out of the circuitry (including ram)  if you're really
impatient, you could bend a paperclip up funny and short together the
contacts where the lithium battery used to be.  there's no eeprom/flash
memory in the 86, so once the power is drained, everything but rom is
erased and the calc should think it's being turned on for the first time.

if you really want to understand what's going on, take an electronics
course, then find out how sram and microprocessors work.


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