Re: A86: GET_KEY


Re: A86: GET_KEY

read asm86.h, (should have come with yer assembler) at least that's the
file they're in for me.  ^ = K_RAISE, ( = K_LEFTPAR...  GET_KEY (aka
_getky) doesn't decode 2nd and alpha, it only gets simple individual
keys.  if you want all this decoded, use _getkey (note the e) and look in for the key codes.


On Thu, 08 Apr 1999 21:42:14 +0000 Jeffrey Malone <>
>this may sound sorta stupid but, i am new to ASM
>when you do the whole get_key thing, what do you call the exponent 
>i don't know if that is the right wording so here is what I am looking 
>same thing, but rather than ENTER, the exponent (i have tryied 
>exponent, ^,
>exp, ect.)
>i also need it for the parinthesis '(' and ')' and the x2 thing above 
>comma.  Thanx to anyone who helps me, a web page with them on it would 
>be best!
>it is a stupid question isn't it?

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