Re: A86: On-calc Asm (86)
Re: A86: On-calc Asm (86)
In a message dated 4/1/99 8:12:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> > Well you could check _CXCURRAPP to see if you were in the program
> > editor, or you could have the on button switch it on or off, maybe
> > both. It wouldn't have to be annoying.
> that's definitely true. only other point to realize is that anybody who's
> actually going to be typing hex on the calc isn't going to be able to
> download the prog which installs this sqrt key routine. thus it would
> be available to those who'd be using asm studio instead :)
Or you can write the smallest code possible for the squrt program and
memorize the hex listing ;)