Re: A86: Requesting Help...
Re: A86: Requesting Help...
well, i can help with the first one really easy:
res textwrite,(iy+new_grf_flgs) ;write to _plotsscreen instead
ld a,64
ld (_STATED_CUT_COL),a ;set right edge to 64 pixels over
set 3,(iy+$1b) ;tell it to use that limit
call _vputs ;draw the string
res 3,(iy+$1b)
set textwrite,(iy+new_grf_flgs) ;reset things
oh, you'll want to clear _plotsscreen before you use it.
now i think it would be better to just write a _vputs that ran sideways
than to go through all this trouble, unfortunately i don't have time for
that right now. someone play with _copycharmaps
On Sun, 4 Apr 1999 19:49:31 -0400 Chris Magill <> writes:
>it's me again.
>I am wondering whether anyone would be able to help me by creating a
>routines for me...
>The first would be a _vputs that would allow variable text strings to
>outputed to a 64 X 64 memory plain (not the screen yet)
>Then I am looking for a function the would allow me to rotate the
>of this 64 X 64 memory plain 270 degrees so that
>would be outputed as
>Then the final routine would output this memory plain to the screen at
>given x and y in a transparent form (output black pixels only)...
>Any help would be greatly appreciated...
>I would do this myself if I had the slightest clue how to..
>Actually if someone want to walk me threw the process that would even
>Thanks again..
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