Re: A86: writeback
Re: A86: writeback
try removing the call to _load_ram_ahl, it ruins your absolute address.
On Sun, 4 Apr 1999 11:34:27 EDT writes:
>can somebody help me with this writeback routine for saving high
>scores and
>when i try this routine, it doesn't seem to do anything at all to the
>data in
>the original program.
> ld hl,varname
> rst 20h ;copy to OP1
> rst 10h ;_findsym
> jr c,quit ;renamed - so no write back
> ld a,b
> ex de,hl
> call _load_ram_ahl
> ld de,data-_asm_exec_ram ;offset
> add hl,de ;hl=pointer to data in
>original prog
> adc a,0 ;in case we overlapped
> xor a ;no absolute addressing
> ld hl,data ;get data from here
> ld hl,36 ;number of bytes to save
> call _mm_ldir ;copy data
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