A86: Re: Screen Offset Routine
A86: Re: Screen Offset Routine
Hehe...maybe the 82/83 display controller _does_ have a nice feature. Below
is the routine from the OS-82 version of FFX4. As you can see, it won't
work on the 85/86:
ld b,3
push bc
ld a,42h
out (10h),a
ld a,40h
out (10h),a
pop bc
djnz shakeloop
> How can you write a routine to "shake" the screen, by changing the
> offset? I'm trying to make it so that this box I have defined around the
> edges of the screen appears to shake up and down. I did not define the
> very bottom pixel row and the busy indicator row, to allow for this. So,
> how do I shift the box to the lower row then back up, to make it look
> like the screen shakes. I've seen this effect on FFX4 for the 82/83.
> Thanx,