A86: Re: Assembly-86 Digest V1 #851
A86: Re: Assembly-86 Digest V1 #851
what is the equate for _frop1? i can't find it and it's not in the .inc
files that i have.
> rst 20h ; copy the name into OP1 (???)
> call _stoOther ; store the pushed value to the var in OP1 (???)
xMin is a special variable that's not stored in the vat.
i think this is what you want:
ld de,(_XMINPTR) ; get the current xMin, there's one for each graph mode
call _frop1 ; store op1 to (de)
most of the window vars have a similar ptr.
>> how to a save op1 to a variable such as xMin or something?
>> jimi