Re: A86: Finished routines... Standard Delay


Re: A86: Finished routines... Standard Delay


xor a or sub a			; sets contrast to zero

>	out (2),a			; leaves contrast byte alone
>	ld a,21
>	ld (_penCol),a		; x=21, 1
>	ld a,1
>	ld (_penRow),a
both of these can be done at once:
    ld hl,1*256+21		;or $0115
    ld (_penRow),hl

>	ld hl,titlestring		; load the title string
>	call _vputs		; output the title string
>	ld a,22
>	ld (_penCol),a
>	ld a,56
>	ld (_penRow),a
same here

>	ld a,($C008)
>	call _delay_some
>	dec a
>	out (2),a
    ret z
>	jp _begin_screen_fade_out

    xor a
    ld c,($c008)
>	call _delay_some
>	inc a
>	out (2),a
    cp c
    ret z
>	jp _begin_screen_fade_in

also, jr would be smaller, but jp is faster.  in this case, jr would
probly be better.


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