A86: Re: Assembly-86 Digest V1 #850
A86: Re: Assembly-86 Digest V1 #850
_FPDIV = $54A8
just put that second line at the top of your code and you can now put _FPDIV
in your code to divide the op1 register by the op2 register and store the
answer int he op1 register.
do you know how to store real numbers? if not, you can use atof.asm (if you
don't have it, email me) to store a string into the op1 register then you
can use it and stuff. look through the info about the *.inc files at
www.ti.com/calc. they really tell alot about the inputs and outputs of
these instructions.
<< Does anyone know where in the rom the os calls to
perform a division operation, or how I could perform
simple division? I have a really cool basic program I
put together that will find the number of decimal
places in 1/N before it ends or starts repeating for
any whole number N, and I wanted to port it to assembly
(seeing as it is S-L-O-W for large numbers), but I
don't know how I would do the division. All I need is
the integer part of the quotient, so I don't need to
work with decimal places or anything. Thanks!
-David Thomas>>