A86: Re: Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 17:05:28 -0500
A86: Re: Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 17:05:28 -0500
To store to 'x', 'y', or 'Ans', there are rom calls:
_stoX = $4cbb
_stoY = $4cb3
_stoANS = $4c9f
To store to 'xMin':
rst 18h ; push OP1 onto FPS
ld hl,_XMINPTR ; point to xMin pointer
call _ldhlind ; load the value at HL into HL
rst 20h ; copy the name into OP1 (???)
call _stoOther ; store the pushed value to the var in OP1 (???)
> how to a save op1 to a variable such as xMin or something?
> jimi