Re: A86: Re: Re: Questions
Re: A86: Re: Re: Questions
At 07:09 AM 9/29/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Red light!
>$28 is the asm token. _All_ asm programs are already protected.
If you are changing a basic program, it may not work.
It appears that the token for a basic program is $8e. The next byte is the
first byte of the program, so if you want to change a basic program to a
protected basic program, you have to move all of the data down one bytes,
and write a $29 right after the $8e in memory.
>The byte does need to be changed to $29, but i have no idea what to
>change it back to.
To change it back, you have to do the opposite, just find the address and
then move everything up one byte. This probably wont effect other programs,
so its all good.
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