A86: graph hook


A86: graph hook

I was reading over the source to Pat'a graph-hook program, and I was a
little bit confused about the equates.  here they are:
    include asm86.inc
    include ti85pequ.inc
    include ram86.inc
    include tokens.inc
    include menu.inc
    include execequ.inc
    include memequ.inc
    include eostok.inc
    include keys.inc
    include cxequ.inc
Take away the ones I know to be for the 83 and 86
(asm86.inc,ram86.inc,tokens.inc), anyone know what the rest are for?
    include ti85pequ.inc
    include menu.inc
    include execequ.inc
    include memequ.inc
    include eostok.inc
    include keys.inc
    include cxequ.inc

Robby Gutmann
ICQ UIN: 724927      Agonostis on IRC

"Students made it long ago," said Rincewind. "Handy way in and out after
lights out."
"Ah," said Twoflower, "I understand. Over the wall and out to brightly-lit
tavernas to drink and sing and recite poetry, yes?"
"Nearly right except for the singings and the poetry, yes," said Rincewind.

     -- (Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic)