Re: A86: grphlink error
Re: A86: grphlink error
There aren't any jumpers on Motherboards related to serial ports (AFAIK),
but possibly you would need to change jumpers on an IO card. IO cards are
exceedingly rare these days because all motherboards come with built-in IO.
If you had someone build this computer, they may have screwed you over.
Anyways, I'm aware of Snap86, but is there a way to do something similar to
movies captures on the 86? If you emulated it on a PC and had a screen
capturer thing do it woudl trhat work or screw up the calc?
-- Steve Horne
-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Ingersoll <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, September 25, 1998 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: A86: grphlink error
>A parallel port has holes and a serial port has pins - maybe you plugged
>your graphlink into an inactive serial port. With my graphlink I had to
>tell my IO card to activate my 25-pin serial port. Maybe you need to
>change a jumper on your IO card or motherboard. Look in the manual to find
>out which jumper to change.
>Justin Ingersoll
>>If you have a mouse or modem I would consider disabling it will you
>>transfer manually or (i don't recommend because of the time it takes up)
>>go to sys.ini file. If none of this work than it's probably plug into a
>>parallel port of that the port is plugged into port 4. If the link is
>>plugged in at 4 MOST LIKELY it won't work because the main ones(1+2) are
>>the only ones being detected.
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