Re: A86: grphlink error
Re: A86: grphlink error
>In a message dated 9/24/98 8:16:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
><< There has to be otherwise you wouldn't be able to use your mouse or
> modem. Which would mean you wouldn't be writing these emails or even
> Assembly. There is a COM port or 2 somewhere on/in your computer. It
> may be 9 pin and it may be 25 pin. Hell you may even have one of
> Trace your mouse cable back to where it plugs in. Run the graphlink
> software. Unplug your mouse and hook up the graphlink where the mouse
> was. Then wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am you're ready to transfer all sorts
> of math class time passing games to your calc. Thats what I did.
> we got another computer so I use my old one for nothing but Assembly
> progging with the ocassional (emphasis on occasional) PASCAL work.
> Matt
> >>
>My mouse is a special adapted circlular type thing, there is no adapter
>will make the link fit. Its not possible. My modem? how the heck do
>come up with it being a com port? I obviosly cant plug anything into
it from
>the outside, so I opened it up, and still didn't find anything where I
>might have a chance at pluging it in. There is no where to hook up my
Yes there is! I remember about 6 months or so back I was in a computer
store and they had all those things that would be free after rebates so
I stocked up. One of them was a really crappy generic brand keyboard
and in the package was an adapter that went from the odd circle shape
plug to a 9 pin. Maybe if you find one of those (maybe make one from
kits at radio shack? I know you can make your own 9 and 25 pin cables
so it might be possible to rig up an adapter somehow). Then if you can
get one of them maybe you can hook your like up in a deformed way. I
personally have like 5 some odd things just to get it to fit. And even
then I had to change some of my BIOS and port settings. Just fiddle
aroudn and maybe you can get it to work.
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