Re: A86: Re: Re: external strings
Re: A86: Re: Re: external strings
The Assembly Studio help file has all the clock cycles for each instruction
listed. Also, the wonderful file Z80TIME.TXT is something every programmer
should have a copy of. To interpret clock cycles (also known as time
states, or t-states), remember that approximately 6 million are executed
per second, and that the rom interrupt routine takes up alot (500,000 t's?).
Joshua Seagoe's site has a listing of tokens, and I think Dux's does too.
Also, the file TI86PROT.TXT has a listing of all the tokens along with the
link format, if anyone's interested. I used the info in there to write a
map editor for my game that would read in the compiled sprites from the
.86p file and save them as .86s files. There are plenty of resources, you
just have to find them.
>I've gotten better at not having to look up the calls but I haven't
>found any info on clock cycles (or I overlooked it). And the only crap
>I know about tokens is that you have to include in ti-83 ASM
David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32