Re: A86: Re: Re: external strings
Re: A86: Re: Re: external strings
>>Get used to stuff like that. I'm not sure if thats the only way they
>>know how to explain stuff or they're showing off for us but they
>>in "techie" crap like that a lot. Ecspecially Dux he's really smart.
>>But thats not a complaint I like when they do it it's very
>>and makes me wanna learn all the stuff like that so in a way it ROCKS.
> If you want to learn how to talk like Joshua Seagoe, memorize all
of the
>ROM calls, what page they are on, how many clock cycles each opcode
>up, and memorize all kind of stuff about tokenizing and RAM addresses.
>can't see how he could keep all of that stuff in his head!!!
>I just added a TI-86 page, Check it out!!!
I've gotten better at not having to look up the calls but I haven't
found any info on clock cycles (or I overlooked it). And the only crap
I know about tokens is that you have to include in ti-83 ASM
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