A86: Re: 16x16 sprite routine?


A86: Re: 16x16 sprite routine?

Here is one(by Matt Johnson; never tested by me) it does 16*X size sprites:
  push bc      ; Save BC (X, Y)
  push de      ; Save DE
  push hl      ; Save HL (Start of Sprite Data)
  push hl      ; Save HL (Start of Sprite Data)

  push bc
  ld d, c
  ld e, d
  call FindPixel     ; Finds pixel at E, D
  pop bc
      ; PutSprite needs pixel at B, C

     ; A = Bitmask with one bit set; this will be the bit (pixel) "counter"

 ex de,hl     ; DE = Address in Display of Sprite
 pop hl       ; HL = Start of Sprite Data
 ld b,(hl)    ; B = X width of Sprite
  inc hl       ; Next byte
  ld c,(hl)    ; C = Y width of Sprite
  inc hl       ; Next byte (now pointing at actual sprite data)
  push hl      ; Save the twice incremented HL into stack
  pop ix       ; IX = The recently twice incremented HL

  ex de,hl     ; HL = Address in Display of Sprite

  push bc      ; Save X width of Sprite and Y width of Sprite
  ld d,(ix)    ; D = (IX), so D = First byte from Sprite
  inc ix
  ld e,(ix)      ; E = (IX), so E = Second byte from Sprite
  inc ix    ; IX points to next row

  push af      ; Save Bitmask
  push hl      ; Save HL, Address in Display of Sprite

PS_NewCol:    ; Now the fun begins, remember A is the bitmask, D = the Left
Column Byte from Sprite
  sla e        ; 16-bit rotation DE
  rl  d

  push af   ; Save Bitmask
  jr nc,PS_NoPixel ; Check pixel from sprite to see if it is set

  or (hl)   ; Sets Pixel at the "current bit" (Bitmask is the "bit counter")
  ld (hl),a   ; (HL) = A, Save changes to
  jr PS_NextPixel

  cpl       ; Invert Bitmask
  and (hl)   ; Clears pixel at the "current bit" (Bitmask is the "bit
  ld (hl),a   ; (HL) = A Save changes
  pop af    ; Restore Bitmask
  rrca    ; A is rotated right *through* carry
  jr nc,PS_SameByte  ; If the carry was set, that means that one bit set in
A (bit counter)
     ;  rotated all the way to the end right into carry and recycles back
into Bit 7
     ;  so it can be used for the next byte

  inc hl    ; Move on to next byte

  djnz PS_NewCol  ; B = X (width of sprite), so it loops to PS_NewCol X
times. This means that is X = 6,
     ; it will Shift Right the bitmask (move the bit counter to the right) 6
times, comparing
     ; each bit of the bitmask and the sprite and setting or clearing the
pixel in that
     ; particular bit. It then moves on the the next pixel.

     ; Move on to the next row
 pop hl    ; Recover HL, the Address in Display of the Sprite
  pop af    ; Recover AF, A = Bitmask
  ld de,16   ; DE = 16
  add hl,de   ; HL = HL + 16, this moves down ONE row in the Display Area
(128 width / (8 bits/pixel) = 16 bytes)
  pop bc    ; Recover X_width and Y_height of Sprite
  dec c    ; C = Y_height of Sprite, subract one, which means one row of the
Sprite has been drawn

  jr nz,PS_NewRow ; If there are more rows to be drawn, go back to PS_NewRow

; No more rows. Since there were "effectively" 3 pushes before PS_NewRow,
there must be three pops that way the
; ret statement will retrieve the correct address when it returns to the
calling program.

  pop hl
  pop de
  pop bc
; =============================================================
; Dan Eble & James Yopp FindPixel routine
; Input:  D = y, E = x
; Output: HL= addr in vid mem, A = bitmask, C is modified
; =============================================================
        ld hl,FP_Bits
        ld a,e
        and $07         ; a = bit offset
        add a,l
        ld l,a
        adc a,h
        sub l
        ld h,a
        ld c,(hl)       ; c = bitmask for (hl)
;48 t-states up to this point
        ld hl,FP_RLD
        ld (hl),d
        ld a,e          ; a = x/8 (byte offset within row)
        or $FC
        ld l,(hl)
        ld h,a          ; hl -> byte in vid mem
        ld a,c          ; now a = bitmask for (hl)
;121 t-states up to this point

FP_RLD:  .db $00
FP_Bits: .db $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01

-----Original Message-----
From: YosterIsle@aol.com <YosterIsle@aol.com>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 1998 8:48 PM
Subject: A86: 16x16 sprite routine?

>Does anyone know of a 16x16 sprite routine for the 86? I'd like to just put
>one 16x16 sprite instead of two 8x16 ones in my Wak-A-Goomba game. Speed
>too important.