Re: A86: drawing a sprite to the screen.
Re: A86: drawing a sprite to the screen.
>Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 22:22:06 EDT
>Subject: Re: A86: drawing a sprite to the screen.
>couple things.
>GET_KEY is wrong, I think. Its calling for a label labeled GET_KEY, at
>thats what the compiler is looking for.
>What is 'draw_loop"?(its a label at the bottom) is it supposed to be
>If so, then what is Draw_Sprite? am I supposed to put my mod. version
>putsprite there?
>The compiler is also looking for K_Right and K_Left labels.
>In a message dated 9/15/98 6:13:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
><< draw_first_sprite:
> ld d,1
> ld e,5
> ld hl,Sprite
> call Draw_Sprite
> key_loop:
> call GET_KEY
> cp K_RIGHT
> jp z,move_sprite_right
> cp K_LEFT
> jp z,move_sprite_left
> jp key_loop
> move_sprite_right:
> inc d
> ld hl,Sprite
> call Draw_Sprite
> jp key_loop
> move_sprite_left:
> dec d
> ld hl,Sprite
> call Draw_Sprite
> jp key_loop
> Draw_Loop:
> {paste sprite routine here}
> Sprite:
> {paste sprite here} >>
If you look in the "header" part (all the comments at the top) I said
that I didn't put the correct key calls due to my laziness and not
wanting to look them up. And also Draw_Loop was meant to say
Draw_Sprite and I don't really know why I typed Draw_Loop. Just put
whatever sprite routine you're using there and take that away it was
just for clarification which I guess it didn't really do. I don't
really know how to read the arrow keys for input but I know theres a way
to do that cuz some posted it before (and almost every game uses them
too). It has something to do with reading port 1 and dec'ing a but
don't listen to me on that I'm probably wrong.
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