A86: Re: Input / Output


A86: Re: Input / Output

>I have read this and I understand it pretty well, but I have one problem.
>At the end it stores the OP1 into the Ans.

It doesn't actually store the string at OP1, it creates a new variable (a
string) that holds inputted string.  OP1 holds the name to the new variable
in OP1.  So, if you call FINDSYM (rst $10), bde will point to the string.  I
don't know of a call to display an absolutely addressed double length byte
string, so this *should* put the string (limit of 9 bytes in length):

 rst $10                        ;findsym
 ld a,b
 ld h,d
 ld l,e                           ;put bde (abs pointer from findsym) into
 call _GETB_AHL      ;A is byte at ahl
 push af                       ;temp save length
 ld a,b
 ex de,hl                       ;get ahl from bde again
 call _inc_ptr_ahl
 call _ABS_MOV10B_SET_D    ;move 10 bytes to OP1
 ld hl,_OP1
 pop af
 ld (hl),a
 call _putps

  How do I display that now?  Is
>there a way to display the OP1 and a way to display the Ans, all I need is
>the call for it.. (and which header would help :)?  Thanks for any help..
>Sorry if I sound confusing.. :)
>      call    _homeup          ; cursor to top left
>      ld      hl,str_prmpt
>   call _puts
>      ld      de,_ioPrompt
>      call    _mov10B          ; move prompt to prompt buffer , 21 max
>      LD      hl,(_CLEANTMP)
>      push    hl
>      LD      hl,(_PTempCnt)
>      LD      (_CLEANTMP),HL
>      ld      a,0Ch
>      ld   (_ASAP_IND),a    ; set for 'inputstring'
>      call    _exec_pg3        ; get string, op1 = var containing string
>      call    _stoans          ; store int 'Ans'
>      pop     hl               ; HL=PREVIOUS CLEANTMP
>      ld      (_CLEANTMP),hl