Re: A86: lots of text?
Re: A86: lots of text?
In a message dated 9/15/1998 1:53:28 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
<< here's a shorter one if all are going to be aligned to the same column:
if you want to fit more rows, just change the add a,8 to add a,6 or add a,7
;moves down the screen displaying string at hl
; b=number of strings to display (max=8)
; c=column location
; hl=pointer to string
; _penRow and _penCol point to first location
; hl=hl+number of characters+1
; _penRow=_penRow+8(c-1)
; _penCol=c
; b=0
; a trashed
call _vputs
ld a,c
ld (_penCol),a
ld a,(_penRow)
add a,8
ld (_penRow),a
djnz move
I would like to thank you very much for posting this. I know that it could be
useful if I knew how to utilize it (big word, ohhhhh). What I mean is, how
would I apply this? I mean, could you make me a little program that just adds
on to this that will show this little routine actually work? Do you see what
I am saying? I tried to do it myself but couldn't come up with any way for it
to work.