Re: A86: drawing a sprite to the screen.
Re: A86: drawing a sprite to the screen.
This is not a flame either it is advice from one newbie to another...
Everyone is right man you need to watch how you say things. You can't
just expect that people are going to tell you everything that you need to
know. I started about three weeks ago and every time that anyone who knows
anything about z80 would respond to me it was a big thing. And when David
(Phillips) put out the commented routine for sprites on the list a few
weeks ago that was huge to me (and every other newbie). It did not matter
that some of the lines were not commented it was the fact that he wrote it
because people like me kept having trouble with sprites. ASM is not to be
learned in one night or even a month. Just settle down on the way you ask
questions and things will just come to you. The best advice that anyone
every gave me about asm was not to write a game first. I made a bunch of
stupid routines until I knew them by heart and could use them later. If you
want to learn you will find a way I think you just need to relax and slow
down in what you are trying to do. I am not even going to say this is not a
flame it is just advice from a fellow newbie.
Basic/Asm Programming Center
ICQ #16817590