Re: A86: drawing a sprite to the screen.


Re: A86: drawing a sprite to the screen.

Umm, could you explain how SPRMOVE has no comments?  I commented every
single line, and had about a 15 line header at the top expalaining the
basics of the program!  Now, it's probably not the best example code, but
it is very good, probably better than just about anything else you can
find.  Programming is about learning how to do stuff yourself.  I learned
asm by writting code, watching it crash, single-stepping through it in the
emu many times, writting some more, each time learning something new.  That
is how to learn.

If you want to know how to do something, find a program that does it and
read the source code.  My example is commented, so you should read through
it and understand every single line.  If there is something you don't
understand, ask the list (include the troublesome lines), but no one is
going to write your program for you.

BTW, this is NOT a flame.

P.S.  You need to quote when replying, so people know what you are talking
about.  He is talking about

At 07:25 PM 9/15/98 EDT, you wrote:
>maybe I worded that wrong.  your example is perfect except it has no comments
>:(, there was that background in it and the sprite can be moved up and down.
>I want the user to be able to move the sprite, w/ the arrow keys, but only
>left and right.  not left, right, up and down.
>got it?

David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32
