Re: A86: ld HL call
Re: A86: ld HL call
In a message dated 9/14/98 12:13:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> The seconline of that reads:
> ld hl, $0000
this is followed by ld (_penCol),hl, which moves the pen position. you never
need to clear a register before loading something.
> is that making sure that 'hl' has nothing in it so that the next command:
> ld hl, Hello
this makes hl point to the address Hello, wherever that is. typically, hl will
point to the first character in a zero terminated string
> can make hl be whatever 'hello' is?
> also, what does this mean:?
> call _putc
putc is basically put character, yeah
it prints the character that a is equal to
> is that putCHARACTER?
> and putS is putSTRING?
never thought of it that way, but yeah, i guess
> but how does 'putc' know to read the character in 'A'?
same way _puts knows to access bytes from (hl) :)