Re: A86: asm clock?


Re: A86: asm clock?

I tried to do this a while back.  I've attached the source code for what I
had.  I started it late one night and Matt Johnson gave me a little help in
getting the interrupt routine to work.  We figured out that the interrupt
was called 174 times a second, which seemed to work for both of our
calculators.  Maybe our batteries were at the exact same level, I don't
know.  But I remember I timed it with my digital watch and it kept accurate
time to the second for at least 10 minutes, as long as I made sure it
didn't APD (which pauses the clock).

The program displays a clock in the upper left corner of the screen in the
small font.  If I remember correctly even the hours work, but I never
tested it that far.  I'm about positive it won't roll over when it hits 12
or 24 hours either.  Also, there is no way to set the time--it starts at
00:00:00 whenever you (re)run it.  And, there is no way to uninstall it.
Maybe the kill-hook, I never messed with it.

This is my first and only interrupt program, so if it crashes your calc or
causes other problems, remember I warned you first.

At 11:21 AM 9/13/98 EDT, you wrote:
>even if it isn't accurate, what would be the commands for a clock in asm?
>Just curious
; Clock v1.0
; David Phillips <>
; program started: 08/03/98
; last     update: 08/04/98
; Special thanks to Matt Johnson <> for this interrupt skeleton taken
; from his 86 Central and various other help he gave while I wrote this program

#include ""

#define pushR  in a,(5) \ push af \ ld a,$0d \ out (5),a \ nop \ nop \ nop
#define popR   pop af \ out (5),a

int_addr equ $F8F8                      ;Start of interrupt code

.org _asm_exec_ram                      ;Set instruction counter to $D748 (start of all asm programs)

 ld hl,$FA00                            ;Source = $FA00 (Start of vector table)
 ld de,$FA01                            ;Destination = $FA01
 ld (hl),$F8                            ;Set first byte so it is copied to all of them ($F8F8)
 ld bc,256                              ;256 bytes (size of vector table)
 ldir                                   ;(DE) <- (HL), BC=BC-1, Loop till B=0
 ld hl,int_copy                         ;Source = interrupt routine
 ld de,int_addr                         ;Destination = $F8F8 (as specified in vector table)
 ld bc,int_end-int_start                ;Length of custom interrupt routine
 ldir                                   ;(DE) <- (HL), BC=BC-1, Loop till B=0

 ld a,$FA                               ;Set up address of vector table
 ld i,a                                 ; MSB = $FA
                                        ; LSB = (byte supplied by data bus - random)
 im 2                                   ;Set interrupt mode 2

 ret                                    ;Return

 .org int_addr                          ;Set instruction counter to $F8F8 (start of int handler)

 ex af,af'                              ;Exchange af with alternate register af'
 exx                                    ;Exchange all other reg's with alternate reg's

;-----Clock code below--------------------------------------
 ld hl,ticks
 ld a,(hl)
 inc a
 cp 174
 ld (hl),a
 jp nz,$66
 ld (hl),0
 ld hl,text+7

 ld a,(hl)
 inc a
 cp 58
 jr z,secd_roll
 ld (hl),a
 jr show_clock
 ld (hl),48
 dec hl
 ld a,(hl)
 inc a
 cp 54
 jr z,sec_roll
 ld (hl),a
 jr show_clock
 ld (hl),48
 dec hl
 dec hl

 ld a,(hl)
 inc a
 cp 58
 jr z,mind_roll
 ld (hl),a
 jr show_clock
 ld (hl),48
 dec hl
 ld a,(hl)
 inc a
 cp 54
 jr z,min_roll
 ld (hl),a
 jr show_clock
 ld (hl),48
 dec hl
 dec hl

 ld a,(hl)
 inc a
 cp 58
 jr z,hourd_roll
 ld (hl),a
 jr show_clock
 ld (hl),48
 dec hl

 inc (hl)

 ld hl,(_penCol)
 ex de,hl
 ld hl,0
 ld (_penCol),hl
 ld hl,text
 call _vputs
 ex de,hl
 ld (_penCol),hl


 jp $66              ;jump to normal handler so it can do its things

 .db "00:00:00",0	 ; '0' to '9', 48 to 57

 .db 0



David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32

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