A86: String won't go away


A86: String won't go away

I'm using TI86 Rom1.2.

Q1:  What can you tell me about this bug/feature?

My program (AJDNotePad) saves its data in a string.  I decided that I
wanted to revert back to the version of the string saved on my PC.  I
sent it to the calc, but although the new string appeared in the
"Delete/String" menu with its new (much larger) size, when I ran my
program, the old one was loaded.

So I tried a second time.  This time I deleted the string manually
before sending it from my PC (with the TI-Link software).
Still the old string was there.

So, I backed up the stuff on my calculator, did a "memory reset",
copied everything but the "bad" string back, and then the new string.
but */STILL/* the old string appeared in my program.

So, I tried Reset/All.  Still no success
Short of taking the batteries out, how do I remove a string so that 

Q2:  How are things "deleted" (obviously something is remaining in the
symbol table)

Q3:  Is there some way around this?

Q4:  Has someone made use of this & created an undelete program? 
(Which would work after crashes too!)

Q5:  "Symbol Table"="VAT" ?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amiga Forever!~~~
Anthony J. Doggett                     |
Mailto:AntDog@iname.com                |
http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/doggett/ |
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Life is what you make of it.
