A86: Missle Shooting Problems


A86: Missle Shooting Problems

Ok i am trying to make a game that lets you shoot "missles" at a little guy
moving across the screen, and this code will not work no matter what i do,
and I was wondering if anyone could help me.

    pop bc
    call ClearSprite ;To get rid off the old missle
    ld a,b
    push bc
    add a,8
    sub 168 ;To see if its all the way to the right
    jp z,TravelAll  ;if it is clear the old one and stop moving it
    jp MissleLaunch ;otherwise move the missle

    ld ix,0
    ld ix,Missle
    call PutSprite
    jp Move

    ld a,b
    add a,8
    ld b,a
    ld ix,0
    ld ix,Missle
    call PutSprite
    jp Attack

    ld ix,0
    ld ix,Missle
    call PutSprite

This should move the missle from wherever you are on the left side of the
screen all the way to the left, but it doesn't.

I am using the PutSprite routine where "bc = xy" and ix = the current image,
any help would be appreciated thanks.


Super Llama
