Re: A86: Show Down, (Life)


Re: A86: Show Down, (Life)

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Caldwell <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, September 04, 1998 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: A86: Show Down, (Life)

>{{I am sorry that some of the people on this list think that other
>on the list can't program.  I can't name names (I deleted all those
>messages).  How about a show down:
>Conway's Game of Life, who ever can refresh the entire screen (all 128 *
>64 pixels) the fastest, is the winner.  I'm sure these two people know
>what Life is, if they've been around for any time.
>This is probably not the best challenge, because this has been done _so_
>often, and there are _so_ many programs out there (complete with code).
>Does anyone have a better challenge?
>Also I have a question, How many programmers here listen to country
>Sam (listening to his country music)}}
>A better challenge would have to be a full sprite based game.  The rules
>are as follows:
>1.  RPG Final Fantasy Legend 2 (on Gameboy) type fighting screen.
>   a.  algorithm for damage is up to you, but must use all status
>   b.  gaining levels increase status
>2.  4 allies:
>   a.  hit points, attack, defense, agility, experience, level
>   b.  weapon, shield, armor, pendants
>   c.  weaknesses, strengths of at least 4 elements (fire, water, etc.)
>   d.  16x8 sprite of characters
>3.  at least 64x64 "running" landscape
>   a.  at least 2 monsters in each of 10 "zones"
>       i.   hit points, attack, defense, agility
>       ii.  weaknesses, strengths of 4 elements
>       iii. 1 item that it "could" give up
>       iv.  at least 16x8 sprite of monster
>   b.  8x8 sprites for each 1x1 section of landscape
>       i.   must have at least plain, grass, trees, mountains, water
>       ii.  collision detection for trees, mountains, and water
>   c.  64x64=4096 meaning, that's how many squares the characters are
>able to walk on (since trees, mountains, and water aren't walkable, the
>landscape is going to be more than 64x64)
>4.  at least 1 town
>   a.  the town is an 8x8 sprite
>   b.  when walked on, HP is fully restored
>   c.  for "extra credit," make the town another "scene"
>that's about this too simple, because I could always make

Is this a challenge OR a game that you would like to see made for the

>p.s.  I hate country music, everytime I hear it it rattles inside my
>brain and I get a headache.
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