Re: A86: checking set flags
Re: A86: checking set flags
In a message dated 9/2/98 18:00:43, writes:
>I know this is probably a very easy question for all of you, but how do
>you check which system flags are set and which ones aren't. Such as how
>would you check if 3,(iy+5) is set?
there are 3 commands you need to know for bit manipulation (sounds much cooler
than it is!)
set, res, and bit:
set sets a particular bit (1)
set 5,(iy+3)
res resets a particular bit (0)
res 5,(iy+3)
bit tests a particular bit (z flag set if bit=0, reset if bit=1)
bit 5,(iy+3)
jp z,bit_is_zero
jp nz,bit_is_one ;not efficient, but used for demonstration