Re: A86: help with program
Re: A86: help with program
In a message dated 9/1/1998 4:58:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
<< ld hl,input_text_1
> push hl
> ld hl,$1000
> call disp_string
> ld hl,(_penCol)
> pop hl
> call _vputs
> ret
try this:
ld hl,$1000
ld (_penCol),hl
ld hl,input_text_1
call _vputs
.db "blah, blah, blah",0
The thing about this is that I have A LOT of text to work with. After a
while, all of that on all of the text that I have to write would make the
program huge. If I called disp_string a few times, it will have cut back mem
a ton. If anybody has any good routines for displaying the small font, could
they help me? I mean, when you use the big font, you do something like this:
.db "blah blah blah"
.db "aklsdjfakld;fa ",0
This will make the text carry over to the next line. Assume that the top line
is 21 spaces long. Because the little font does not all equal the same size
(ex. the "i" takes up less pixels across than the "o", it would really be
As to the answer for tbarwick, it did not work. Again, this is what I have:
ld hl,input_text_1
push hl
ld hl,$1000
call disp_string
ld (_penCol),hl
pop hl
call _vputs
.db "This is the text",0