Re: A86: Basic Commands
Re: A86: Basic Commands
wait wait wait, mabey i should have been more specific with that sub
Text(x,x," "+W
Text(x,x," "+W
See how i keep spliting up Q, obvsiouly?
but what if i wanted to use:
sub(Q,1*10-9,8)->W and
sub(Q,2*10-9,8)->W again later in the programin?(again ill say; i cant
just say the command agiain, that does not work)????
and thanks about that clearin the variable thing (exept i didnt want to
delet the who variable just what its values were!
ps: im not subscribed to taht list, and frankly i dont want to be:) no
offense u basic users out there (hell as u can see im usin basic) but
like i said before, its just to help out those ASM users out there!
>Well, I'd store the value of Q to a variable that you don't use in your
>program, and use that variable later on. To clear values on an 83 or
86, you
>can use DelVar(W to delete W, then store a new value to it. Of course,
on the
>86 if you store a new value to it the old one is erased anyway. I don't
>about the 83. I think this is the answer you want. Maybe you should
have asked
>the TI-BASIC list, you'd probably get more responses.
>--Adam Newhouse
>> Can anyone help me with this (sorry its in basic but its a program to
>> move asm along, ull c when it comes out:) Here's the problem;
>> realy:
>> one if ure familiar with sub( help me out here
>> ok say, i say like:
>> :sub(Q,1*10-9,8)->W
>> now, what would i do exactly if i wanted to use this command later
>> the programing. (dont say just say it again because that doesnt
>> next question:
>> how do i clear variables? like W or somethin????
>> thanks for ure help, ill tell u guys when i publish it. Prevu-HAS
>> calc ever crashed when u run ASM programs out of ASM menus???:)
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