Re: A86: SCrolling


Re: A86: SCrolling

Ah, that's neat to know.  Redrawing that one pixel edge is really a pain.
It's a map lookup, putsprite and findpixel all rolled into one nice, neat
mess of code.  I can't wait to see your new engine.

Is anyone making or thinking about making a 4 way scroller, like Mario 3 or
Commander Keen?  A game like that would really be awsome.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Mårdell <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 1998 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: A86: SCrolling

>At 16:09 1998-10-27 -0600, you wrote:
>>Could you shed some light on the more complex and faster ways?  rotate \
>>increment/decrement instructions are the fastest ways that I can see to
>>shift bytes around.  I thought about using port 0 for hardware scrolling,
>>but would only work for up and down, and that would only scroll it in
>>increments of 256 bytes, or 1/4 of the screen.
>Actually, the scrolling part can't be made faster, but that's not the
>When you scroll left<->right, you always have to fill in the newly appeared
>column to the left/right, and that takes quite some time actually. I've
>developed another scrolling engine which is about the same speed, but
>much much more flexible. For instance, you can scroll two or three
>pixels at a time instead of just one. As I said, it's very complex
>using of all register & shadow registers, 2k lookup tables, dynamic
>code creation (the 16k at RAM page 1 comes in handy :) ) Also, sprite
>routines with the new engine (where the scrolling is already working)
>are extremely fast and doesn't require clipping (that's done
>I will release the engine (and source of course) when I've finished with
>the sprite routines and put together a cool demo.
>Real name:     Jimmy Mårdell
>Icarus Productions homepage:
