Re: A86: Midi to Ti-86
Re: A86: Midi to Ti-86
if you end your program with a ret, it should always return.
if you use _jforce, it probly won't
On Fri, 23 Oct 1998 20:55:57 -0400 "JBrett" <> writes:
>In a couple of small ASM programs that I have made to spruce up BASIC,
>find that it always returns to the calling BASIC program.... but keep
>mind that my programs were only about 2 or 3 commands (system flags)
>and it
>may be different on larger programs...
>ICQ# 20607010______________
>-----Original Message-----
>From: David Phillips <>
>To: <>
>Date: Friday, October 23, 1998 8:41 PM
>Subject: Re: A86: Midi to Ti-86
>>The problem with calling it from an Asm( command is that it doesn't
>>to the calling basic program, or at least from my experience it
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