A86: Re: nomenus


A86: Re: nomenus

>Due to my forgetting to reset a flag before exiting my game, Dux and I came
>upon this nifty 10 byte program:
>// nomenus.asm
>#include "ti86asm.inc"
>.org _asm_exec_ram
> ld a,(2 << textwrite)
> xor (iy+new_grf_flgs)
> ld (iy+new_grf_flgs),a
> ret

eight bytes if you like:

_iy            equ            $c3e5

.org _asm_exec_ram

 ld a,%1000000
 ld hl,_iy+new_grf_flgs
 xor (hl)
 ld (hl),a


>Run it once and all of your menus are blank.  Run it again to fix it.  This
>could be useful to run on your friend's calc, or to keep people from
>with your calc.  It's short enough to type in by hand: 3A8000FDAE18FD7718C9
>David Phillips <electrum@tfs.net>
>ICQ: 13811951
>AOL/AIM: Electrum32
>86 Central: http://www.tfs.net/~electrum