A86: Re: VAT/Lev Detection
A86: Re: VAT/Lev Detection
ld hl,levelname-1
rst $20 ;load name to op1
rst $10 ;find brixlevs
jr c,notFound
ld h,d ;get ASIC address into hl
ld l,e
call $33 ;get the abs length
xor a
call _SET_MM_NUM_BYTES ;set number of bytes for _mm_ldir
ld a,b ;ld ahl,bde
ld h,d
ld l,e
call $4c3f ;ahl += 2
call _SET_ABS_SRC_ADDR ;set the source for _mm_ldir
ld a,1
ld hl,$1000 ;absolute address for $9000 on
page 1
call _mm_ldir ;absolute copy to page 1
.db 8,"brixlevs"
this will copy your level stored in "brixlevs" to $9000 (ASIC) page 1.
you'll probably want to use the call posted to search the vat for strings.
maybe someone will repost it.
> Would someone please answer the following:
>1. How would I save an asm file to a string [i need levels in it], do i do
>a .org 0 and .end at the end? Since I compile w/asm86, what is the command
>for compiling asm into binary so i can use bin2str?
>2. How would I find the string if I know the name will be lets say
>3. How would I load the levels? Let me clarify. Right now, I do this:
>ld hl,OriginalLevel
>ld de,Level
>ld bc,88
>something like that.. if i use autodetection, will there be a way to copy
>the original level to level? And how. Please help, thanks in advance.
> -Ahmed
>Ahmed El-Helw
>ICQ : 3350394