Re: A86: grphlink error


Re: A86: grphlink error

sorry so old I'm trying to catch up on my E-mail!

>From: "UnEven Software" <>
>Subject: Re: A86: grphlink error
>Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 20:45:06 CDT
>>>>Yes, I am sure.  I use a modem adapter to connect my link to "serial 
>>>>on the back of my hard drive.
>>>I think you're terminology is mixed up a little bit. On the back of 
>>>drives, you'll only find a 40pin IDE port (or SCSI if it's a SCSI 
>>>a power port. I think you're trying to refer to your actual computer, 
>>>"box", "tower", "machine", etc. :-)
>>>-- Steve Horne
>>        OK, I know nothing about hardware.  I thought the hard drive 
>was the
>>thing that holds all of the boards and the chips and stuff.  What is a 
>>drive??  Is it physical or a place where data is stored??
>>I just added a TI-86 page, Check it out!!!
>Its both.  Its kinda like a really thick board with two (correct?) disk 
>looking thinga ma hooies and a little arm that reads data off of it.  
>Kinda like a record but with like a bizzillion times the storage 
>capacity.  The part that holds all the boards is called the mother 
>board.  Does that help any?
The part that hold all the other boards is called the BUS. The mother 
board is the big board probably under everything else.

                                         Tom Feller
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