Re: A86: Submitting my Game
Re: A86: Submitting my Game
> i am using aol
> how do i transfer the file to the website
> i do not have netscape
> i just have aol
> and internet explorer
Click on the start button (assuming you are using Win95/8).
Go to run. Type "command /c ftp". When you get a prompt,
type "open". Then type "anonymous" as your
login and your e-mail address as your password. Then type
"cd incoming". Then type "bin". Then type "put
drive:\path\filename.extension", substituting your file's path for
drive:\path\filename.extension. When you get the prompt
back, type "quit". Go to
to claim your file. NOTE: don't type the quotes, a carriage
return is implied at the end of each quotation (hit enter).