A86: Re: Grayscale
A86: Re: Grayscale
JBrett mentioned Dux's site. But you also might try 86 central:
For those of you interested, I haven't actually taken over the page yet. I
wasn't even aware Matt had said he was handing the page over to me. But I
will be getting the files soon, and the page will probably move to my
server. Expect a few tutorials specifically on game programming. ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: WizCompute@aol.com <WizCompute@aol.com>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Monday, October 05, 1998 11:38 PM
Subject: A86: Grayscale
>I am just beginning to learn how to draw sprites and grayscales, but can't
>find any documentations on how to do grayscale. I have Assembly Studio 86
>can only figure out to make regular sprites and not grayscale ones. Also,
>have looked at most of the ASM tutorials online, but they only teach stuff
>like push, pop, call, jr, jp, etc. Is there a more advanced tutorial or
>something? (Sorry to sound like a complete idiot at programming. I'm just
>not quite as experienced at ASM programming as other programming languages
>computer-related topics.) :)