A86: help with getky (almost done)
A86: help with getky (almost done)
Here is the program somebody gave to me to get getky to work:
#include "ti86asm.inc"
.org _asm_exec_ram
call _clrLCD
call $436b ;_ZeroOP1
call _getky
call $41fb ;_cpOP1OP2
jr z,keyloop
call $426f ;_OP2TOOP1
call $5191 ;_formReal
ld hl,_OP3
ld bc,$0000 ;wherever on the screen to put it
ld (_penCol),bc
call _vputs
When I try to run this program, it gives me the overflow error. What is
supposed to happen is when you push f1, for example, it will display, in small
font on the top left, 11, or 011. I need it that the program will read every
key. (i.e. Enter, .,-,etc.)