Re: A86: Need help with error


Re: A86: Need help with error

I tried this on my computer;  it traumatized my emulator.  I don't have
the file "asm86.h" or the equ for BUSY_OFF so I omitted them.  When I
ran it the prog displayed 'hello World' three times, and then scrolled
through a bunch of garbage and gave my emulator program a lobotomy.  

You said that this is the EXACT code?  If so, then your problem is
simple.  You have to have a 'ret' command at the end of your program so
that it returns to the homescreen when it is finished, or it will try to
execute whatever is in memory right after your program.  Thus the
garbage on the screen.  Instead of the 'jp ending', just put 'ret'. wrote:
>    I was just trying out some different things with Assembly Studio 86 and I
> got an error that I couldn't figure out.  The exact file is below.  I couldn't
> figure out why if I only call the _vputs twice i don't have an error but as
> soon as i do it three times i get this error.  The program jams up my emulator
> and displays some wierd lines. I haven't tried it on my calc because i don't
> want to lose everything.  Can somebody tell me what's wrong with it?
> {------------------------------------------------------------}
> #include ""
> #include "asm86.h"
> .org _asm_exec_ram
>   call BUSY_OFF
>   call _clrLCD
>   ld bc, $0101
>   ld (_penCol), bc
>   ld hl, String
>   call _vputs
>   ld bc, $0701
>   ld (_penCol), bc
>   ld hl, String
>   call _vputs
>   ld bc, $0d01
>   ld (_penCol), bc
>   ld hl, String
>   call _vputs
    jp ending			;try a ret instead
> String:
>  .db "Hello World",0
  ending:			;don't need this if you used ret 	
> .end
