A86: Commented Array Routine


A86: Commented Array Routine

I realized how hard to comprhend this was and that I forgot to comment 
so I went back and commented it.  And I also relaized since I didn't pop 
or push anything everything in the used registers would've been 
destroyed so I add pushes and popes to prevent that.

 push bc  ;Save
 push de  ;The 
 push hl  ;Registers
 ld hl,Array ;this command moved due to bug explained below
 ld e,41 ;used to find out which line we are on

 ld d,b  ;save first area's counter
 ld b,40 ;create new counter for this part
 ld a,41 ;used for comparing e to find out which line we are on
 cp e ;compare e to a for afformentioned reason
 jp z,First_Recursion ;if its the first time call this
 dec e ;make it smaller
 cp e ;compare again
 jp nz,Rest_Of_Recursions ;if it isn't the first time go here

First_Recursion: ;used for first spot
 ld a,2    ;your number is >=0 and also <A so a should = 2
 call Random ;get random number
 ld (Array),a ;put it to the array

Rest_Of_The_Recursions:  ;used for the rest of them
 ld a,2 ;same as above
 call Random ;ditto
 ld (Array+1),a ;add it to the next spot
 djnz Rest_Of_The_Recursions ;recurse through if b<>0

Random: 	       ; Creates a random number 0 <= x < A
 push bc
 push de  ;I can't comment this
 push hl  ;part because I didn't write it
 ld b,a   ;sorry.  And thanks Jimmy for this 
 ld a,r   ;routine.
 add a,a
 ld hl,0
 ld d,0
 ld e,a
 add hl,de
 djnz RMul
 ld a,h
 pop hl
 pop de
 pop bc

 ld b,24  ;number of lines to create
 call Start_Filling  ;call part that fills the current line
 ld b,d  ;get our counter for this part back
 inc hl  ;move to next .db
 djnz Call_Area  ;see if counter is zero if not dec it once and repeat

 .db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;make 24 .db's each having 40 0's all seperated
                     ;by commas like shown there

Use this one instead of the last one I posted.  The last one wouldn't 
have worked at all.  It would've filled the first line 24 times and left 
the rest blank.  Also it now sees which line its on and goes to an 
appropriate area.  I'm confident this one will work.


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