A86: Re: Input (yes another input question)
A86: Re: Input (yes another input question)
That wouldn't work because if you call GET_KEY it will not pause to wait for
a key and it would go straight to "other_code".
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-----Original Message-----
From: UnEven Software <uneven14@hotmail.com>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Saturday, October 03, 1998 9:15 PM
Subject: A86: Input (yes another input question)
>After what Dux just said about using .db to input I got to thinking. I
>was wondering would this code work for getting a 3 char string?
> call GET_KEY
> ld string+1,a
> call GET_KEY
> ld string+2,a
> call GET_KEY
> ld string+3,a
> ......
> .db 0,0,0
>Wouldn't that work? Or am I just thinking in another programming
>Just curious,
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