Re: A86: Re: Creating distinct random-integer lists using ASM or BASIC


Re: A86: Re: Creating distinct random-integer lists using ASM or BASIC

people sure do like to make things hard.

I don't know if anyone else has this same answer, but here's the way I 
would do it (I don't own an 86, so I'm basing this on 92):

a="01020304050607080910"     total range string
b=2                          string splits by 2 for each #
 local c,d,e,f
 dim(a)/b->c                   number of numbers
 {}->d                0         list to store random numbers
 1->e                 0         location in list to store

lbl over                               0
 expr(mid(a,f,b))->d[e]                1
 left(a,f-1)&right(a,2*c-f+1)->a       0
 e+1->e                                0
 c-1->c                                0
 if c=/1:goto over                     0
expr(a)->d[e]                          0
return d                               0

You could also do a little rearrangement.  For example, if you made 'a' 
equal a list of cards ("a1a2a3a411121314...q1q2q3q4k1k2k3k4") and kept 
b=2 then you could shuffle cards.  If you take out lines postlabeled 0 
and placed "return mid(a,f,b)&left(a,f-1)&right(a,2*c-f+1)" at postlabel 
1, then you could have a 1 card shuffle.  It returns the full string 
that was given to the program except that a random "card" from within 
the "stack" has been placed at the front of the "stack."  Using 
"left(a,2)" you get the "card."


>In basic you can use rand to get a number between one and 10, scan 
>the list and if your integer is there already, rerandomize the int >and 

|>I'll try to be as clear as possible on this.
|>Is there anyway somebody can create a list of random integers with an
|>range?....sort of like putting the integers within the range in random
|>For example, if you input 1 and 10.  It should generate a 10 item list 
|>numbers from 1 to 10 that are randomly placed something like:  {5, 3, 
8, 9,
|>1, 7, 6, 4, 10}.
|>If someone knows of any optimal way of programming this either in 
basic or
|>asm, preferably in asm then I'd greatly appreciate it.  this will come 
|>when taking statistics courses since sometimes you have the assign the
|>experimental units random numbers in order to invalidate the lurking
|>of nonrandom assigning.
|>Reply to this list.
|>Mohsan H.

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