Re: A86: Re: Creating distinct random-integer lists using ASM or BASIC
Re: A86: Re: Creating distinct random-integer lists using ASM or BASIC
>Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 05:56:07 -0700
>Subject: A86: Re: Creating distinct random-integer lists using ASM or
>From: (Joshua J Seagoe)
>On Fri, 2 Oct 1998 19:50:29 -0400 "Dux Gregis"
>>In basic you can use rand to get a number between one and 10, scan
>>the list and if your integer is there already, rerandomize the int and
>no! you fill a list with all the numbers in the range and shuffle!
>say you want 1-10, you fill the list with
>{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10}
>then you pick two places at random, say 3 and 8, and swap them
>{1 2 8 4 5 6 7 3 9 10}
>then you repeat this several times.
This would actually be slower. Not to mention is you say shuffled it 10
times with random places some #'s would stay in their original spot. The
routine I posted is faster and is better with randomizing. U people can
stop posting now. He has his routine.
-InFuZeD " The Basic Guru "
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