A86: ASM Programming Test
A86: ASM Programming Test
Heya everyone! I had a neat idea. Almost every book I've seen about
programming that is worth it's weight in beans has some kind of "programming
challenge" in it at the end of every chapter. (See: "Learning Visual Basic in
21 Days"). It would be really cool if some of us could get together and decide
on some programming problems that would be ranked in complexity that, by doing
in order, would pretty much teach someone assembly.
Here's a good example for a couple of programs:
One: Write a program that clears the screen displays "Hello World!" or your
name on the screen.
Two: Write a program that won't exit until a certain button is pressed. There
should be a message asking you to press a button, a message that appears when
the wrong button is pressed, and another message (and an exit) when the
correct button is pressed.
Best of all, if you found that confusing, sample programs could be included.
The rest of the problems would involve making a dot move on the screen,
animating a sprite, using greyscale, etc. It would make life much more fun for
people like me who want to learn to program ASM, but don't know what to do