Re: A86: more questions
Re: A86: more questions
> > 2. Which variable types other than PIC are of a fixed length and thus
> > have no length header? I thought that REAL was, but according to the
> > [MEM][DELETE] screen on my calculator, they can be of different sizes...
> >
> that's only because of the size of the name. other variables have different
> headers. real, pic, complex, and constant, i believe, are all of fixed size.
> things like matrices, lists, and vectors have headers of simply how many
> elements (dimensions), rather than size.
Ok, then I need to know two things:
what are the sizes of those fixed length vars? I know PICs are 1024
bytes, how about the others?
And things like matrices and vectors... are the 'number of elements'
headers two bytes, just like length headers on programs and strings?