A86: Re: Re: more questions
A86: Re: Re: more questions
>>A second barage of questions:
>>1. I still need to know how the calculator distinguishes between normal
>>and edit locked BASIC programs. (Dux?...)
>$8e29 is the edit lock token ... take a look at the attatched text file
>eble posted it earlier)
forgot to attach it .. here it is
>>2. Which variable types other than PIC are of a fixed length and thus
>>have no length header? I thought that REAL was, but according to the
>>[MEM][DELETE] screen on my calculator, they can be of different sizes...
>the VAT entries can be of different size, but the actual data is of fixed
>length ... what you see as memory consumed is the VAT entry size and the
>data size combined
>>Cassady Roop
01 (convert to) Rec
02 (convert to) Pol
03 (convert to) Cyl
04 (convert to) Sph
05 (convert to) DMS
06 (convert to) Bin
07 (convert to) Hex
08 (convert to) Oct
09 (convert to) Dec
0A (convert to) Frac
0B (store arrow)
0C [
0D ]
0E {
0F }
10 (
11 )
12 round
13 max
14 min
15 mod
16 cross
17 dot
18 aug
19 rSwap
1A rAdd
1B multR
1C mRAdd
1D sub
1E lcm
1F gcd
20 simult
21 inter
22 pEval
23 randM
24 seq
25 evalF
26 fnInt
27 arc
28 fMin
29 fMax
2A der1
2B der2
2C nDer
2D (ASCII string follows)
2E (angle)
2F ,
30 or
31 xor
32nn... (system variable name follows length byte) (see 3C)
33 (1-letter variable name follows)
34 (2-letter variable name follows)
35 (3-letter variable name follows)
36 (4-letter variable name follows)
37 (5-letter variable name follows)
38 (6-letter variable name follows)
39 (7-letter variable name follows)
3A (8-letter variable name follows)
3Bnn... (equation variable name follows length byte)
3Cnn... (system variable name follows length byte) (see 32)
3Dnn (1-byte index of constant or range variable follows)
3E (ignored?)
44 (ASCIZ numerical expression follows)
6E :
6F (new line)
71 /
8E00 PxOn
8E01 PxOff
8E02 PxChg
8E03 Get
8E04 Send
8E05 SinR
8E06 LgstR
8E07 TwoVar
8E08 GrStl
8E09 DrEqu
8E0A LCust
8E0B Form
8E0C Select
8E0D PlOn
8E0E PlOff
8E0F ClrEnt
8E10 StReg
8E11 IAsk
8E12 IAuto
8E13 Text
8E14 Horiz
8E15 DispT
8E16 ClTbl
8E17 Delvar
8E18 Box
8E19 MBox
8E1A ClrLsts
8E1B FldOff
8E1C DirFld
8E1D SlpFld
8E1E SetLEdit
8E1F Plot1
8E20 Plot2
8E21 Plot3
8E22 RK
8E23 Euler
8E24 ZData
8E25 Asm
8E26 AsmComp
8E27 AsmPrgm (ASCII hex)(useful as first two bytes in program)
8E28 AsmPrgm (binary) (useful as first two bytes in program)
8E29 (edit lock) (useful as first two bytes in program)
8E2A PxTest
8E2B randInt
8E2C randBin
8E2D randNorm
8E2E median (undocumented function) (doesn't do anything)
8E2F cSum (causes various errors)
8E30 cSum (the *real* cSum)
8E31 Deltalst
8E32 (causes ERROR 14 UNDEFINED when run, ERROR 15 MEMORY when recalled)
8E33 PrtScrn (causes ERROR 14 UNDEFINED)
DD For
E9 Disp